
If you want to learn mroe about RTP (U.S. Real-Time Payments), please refer to the Official Clearing House website.

The RTPCreditPaymentInitiation class is used to generate RTP Credit Payment Initiation messages. These are primarily used for real-time payment transfers within the United States banking system.

It can be created via the RTPCreditPaymentInitiationConfig interface.


// Example Usage
const config: RTPCreditPaymentInitiationConfig = {
    initiatingParty: {
        name: 'Acme Corporation',
        id: 'ACMECORP',
        account: {
            accountNumber: '987654321098'
        agent: {
            abaRoutingNumber: '122105155'
    paymentInstructions: [
            type: 'rtp',
            direction: 'credit',
            amount: 100000, // $1000.00
            currency: 'USD',
            creditor: {
                name: 'All-American Dogs Co.',
                account: {
                    accountNumber: '123456789012',
                agent: {
                    abaRoutingNumber: '37714568112',
            remittanceInformation: '1000 Hot Dogs Feb26',

const rtp = new RTPCreditPaymentInitiation(config)

Initializes a new RTPCreditPaymentInitiation instance with the provided configuration.


serialize(): string

const xmlString = rtp.serialize();

Serializes the RTPCreditPaymentInitiation instance into an XML string representation. The resulting XML string can be used to send the payment to the bank.

toString(): string

Alias for serialize().


The class includes built-in validation to ensure the payment initiation data meets the required standards:

  • Account numbers must be valid for US banking.
  • ABA routing numbers must be valid and properly formatted.
  • All payment instructions must have USD as the currency.
  • Amount values should be specified in cents (e.g., 100000 for $1000.00).