
If want to learn more about SEPA, please refer to the Official SEPA website.

The SEPACreditPaymentInitiation class is used to generate SEPA Credit Payment v3 Initiation messages (pain.001.001.03). These are primarily used to send cross-border payments within the Single Euro Payments Area, which comprises of most countries in Europe.

It can be created via the SEPACreditPaymentInitiationConfig interface.


// Example Usage
const config: SEPACreditPaymentInitiationConfig = {
    initiatingParty: {
        name: 'Electrical',
        id: 'ELECTRIC',
        account: {
            iban: 'ES9121000418450200051332'
        agent: {
            bic: 'BSCHESMMXXX',
            bankAddress: {
                country: 'US'
    paymentInstructions: [
            type: 'sepa',
            direction: 'credit',
            creditor: {
                name: 'Dáel Muñiz',
                account: {
                    iban: 'ES8201822200150201504058'
                agent: {
                    bic: 'BBVAESMMXXX'
                address: {
                    streetName: 'Calle de Serrano',
                    buildingNumber: '41',
                    townName: 'Madrid',
                    countrySubDivision: 'Madrid',
                    postalCode: '28001',
                    country: 'ES'
            amount: 1000,
            currency: 'EUR'

const sepa = new SEPACreditPaymentInitiation(config)

Initializes a new SEPACreditPaymentInitiation instance with the provided configuration.


serialize(): string

const xmlString = sepa.serialize();

Serializes the SEPACreditPaymentInitiation instance into an XML string representation. The resulting XML string can be used to send the payment to the bank.

toString(): string

Alias for serialize().


The class includes built-in validation to ensure the payment initiation data meets the required standards:

  • messageId should not exceed 35 characters.
  • All payment instructions must have a consistent currency.
  • All creditors must have a complete address (including country).