
If want to learn more about SWIFT, please refer to the Official SWIFT website.

The SWIFTCreditPaymentInitiation class is used to generate SWIFT Credit Payment v3 Initiation messages (pain.001.001.03). These are primarily used to send cross-border payments.

It can either be created from a base ISO20022 class or created competely independantly via the SWIFTCreditPaymentInitiationConfig interface.


export interface SWIFTCreditPaymentInitiationConfig {
    initiatingParty: Party;
    paymentInstructions: SWIFTCreditPaymentInstruction[];
    messageId?: string;
    creationDate?: Date;

// Example Usage
const swiftPayment = new SWIFTCreditPaymentInitiation({
    initiatingParty: {
        name: 'Acme Corporation',
        id: 'ACMECORP',
        account: {
            // Account details
        agent: {
            // Agent details
    paymentInstructions: [
            id: 'PAYMENT001',
            amount: 100000, // Amount in cents
            currency: 'USD',
            creditor: {
                // Creditor details
            // Other payment instruction details
    messageId: 'MSG001', // Optional
    creationDate: new Date() // Optional

Initializes a new SWIFTCreditPaymentInitiation instance with the provided configuration.


serialize(): string

Serializes the payment initiation to an XML string.

const xmlString = swiftPayment.serialize();

This method generates the complete XML representation of the SWIFT Credit Payment Initiation message.

toString(): string

Alias for serialize().


The class includes built-in validation to ensure the payment initiation data meets the required standards:

  • Validates that the messageId does not exceed 35 characters.
  • Ensures all creditors have complete addresses (including country).
  • Additional validations can be added as needed.